Isaac's first term at Mtwapa Elite

This has been a big year for our youngest sponsored child, Isaac, as he has started at BIG SCHOOL! Isaac was previously attending Victory Academy, a small local kindergarten run by a wonderful woman named Madam Susan. Madam Susan runs the kindergarten (for around 80 children from 18months to 5yrs) out of her home and cares for all the children as her own. Isaac has now graduated from Victory Academy and is ready to start big school for the first time!

To read more about Isaac or Victory Academy check out our other blog posts:

Blog Post - Isaac

Blog Post - Local Schools

Victory Academy Classroom - I love the hand stitched posters!

Isaac was very excited when he moved this January into the Kindergarten class at Mtwapa Elite! He has his posh new school uniform and is feeling pretty smart!

Check out my smart new uniform!

Isaac is joining Kindergarten 2 at Mtwapa Elite, which is an excellent primary school, currently leading the way in the examination results for the whole of Kilifi County. He will be among family, since 8 of our milele sponsored children already attend this school.

To find out more about Mtwapa Elite, check out our previous blog post:

Blog Post - Mtwapa Elite

Isaac is settling in really well and we are starting some extra tuition for him with his kindergarten teacher to help him catch up with his reading skills. He has already made lots of friends and is in the same class as Riziki, another of our Milele sponsored children. Riziki and Isaac are neighbours and are already firm friends!

We look forward to hearing more about how he is getting on at big boys school - stay tuned!

Mtwapa Elite Academy - Isaac's new school


Kindergarten corridor at Mtwapa Elite - I especially like all the brightly coloured blocks! Very friendly!

Kindergarten classroom at Mtwapa Elite