Posts in Kenya Trip Easter 2010
Mbazi Community Association

On saturday we took a trip to visit a new group for the first time. The group is based in a very rural area towards Takaungu called ‘Gorofani’. The name of the town means ‘place with a storey building’ on account of the fact that near the main road passing through the town there is a two-storey house; quite a rarity in this area! DSC_1403edit

The group itself is comprised of 12 local adults who founded an association to provide aid for needy children, orphans and those living with only one parent or in very impoverished circumstances. The group provides a feeding programme every Saturday with 200 children already registered in its first year of running. This week more than 150 children came to eat rice and beans. The group also has a nursery school running in the mornings from Monday to Friday to provide education for 40 of the youngest children who cannot walk the 8 kilometres to the nearest school and back every day. The group has documented more than 600 orphans, one parent children and needy children in the very local area alone who are currently not receiving regular meals or any education and could therefore benefit from its support.

The projects currently receive some support from the government in the form of flour, rice and beans to distribute, any extra costs are currently being scraped together using small weekly donations from the committee members, local volunteer staff, cooks and teachers.


Although the intentions of this project and its potential are fantastic and the resourcefulness and dedication of the association’s members is astounding; it brings a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘living on a shoe-string’!

The kitchen for all 200 children is transformed during the week into the nursery school, and the cooking equipment consists of one very large metal pot, a large spoon made of coconut shell, wood for the fire and a box of matches. There is also a nearby freshwater well which has been built by the members and this water is used for the cooking.



I hope you enjoy these photos as much as we enjoyed the day. It was truly special to see such a  well managed, independent local group doing such good work with such a small amount of money. Keep your eyes peeled for more pictures of this group when we go back there tomorrow!

Gifts for the boys!

Kaingu reading his letter from Uta; one of his sponsors The four sponsored boys Charo, Safari, Kaingu and Emmanuel received their letters and presents from their sponsors yesterday. Rarely has there ever been a more excited and happy group of children! They felt truly special and the attention was all on them for the first time ever!

We gave each boy a bag with all their presents and letters inside it, and they meandered calmly to the door to open them all up...then as soon as they thought they were out of sight ran and jumped all the way to the table!

Each of them was thrilled and opened their presents in their own way; Charo smiling to himself and carefully examining each item individually. Taking in every detail of the letter slowly; taking the lids off each and every pen to get a better look at them!

Safari ripped open the bag, grinning excitedly then quickly got everything out and spread it all out to see, picking up first one thing then the next; then sitting down to read his letters carefully.

Safari reading his letter from the PreSchool Playstation; one of his sponsors

Kaingu sat quietly on the chair to open his package, smiling secretly to himself, his face splitting into the occasional grin; then becoming super-cool again as soon he caught sight of you looking!

Charo proudly showing us all his presents

Emmanuel opened his blackboard first and just played with that, forgetting there was anything else! Then going back to the bag as if remembering that there was more, taking out another thing and once again getting carried away playing with that!!

By the time they had all opened their presents and read their letters they were proud as punch to have all these people wanting to sponsor them... I got the impression Charo couldn’t quite believe it!!!! We took lots of photos to try to capture the moments for you, and we really hope you enjoy them.

Once again thank-you so, so much to everyone who sent  letters or presents to the boys. It was so lovely to be able to show them how much other people care about them; an experience they have not been very familiar with so far in their lives.

Emmanuel practising his writing skills on his new blackboard!

I am sure your replies will be really nice, we are hoping to help them write all their letters sometime next week so we can bring them all back to you.

We have Landed!

Hello everyone! We have arrived in Kenya and are pleased to find everyone so well and happy.

We have visited the school where all the children are very busy doing their end of term examinations in preparation for the easter break in two weeks time.

This afternoon we are going to the childrens home to distibute all the sponsors' letters and gifts so keep you eyes peeled for photos and more updates coming soon!

Amy and Rich